Vibrant & Resilient Neighborhoods
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In Progress

Support Business and Residential Preparedness Outreach (3.H.3.)

Status Indicators: Complete | In Progress| Not Yet Started

Even as infrastructure evolves and improves, individual and neighborhood preparedness will be needed to strengthen resiliency to climate hazards and risks. The City of Bozeman will work to support emergency planning and preparedness for businesses, households, and neighborhoods.

  • The Sustainability Division developed an outreach campaign on strategies homeowners can take throughout the year to prepare their homes for wildfire smoke and heat events. The outreach focused on installing air source heat pumps, air purifiers, tightening the building envelope, and creating “clean” rooms. This included a public outreach event in partnership with Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate on the health impacts of wildfire smoke and home improvements for improving energy efficiency and indoor air quality. 
  • As a part of its Belonging in Bozeman Equity & Inclusion Plan, the City elevated the need to: Develop emergency preparedness programs that:
    • Ensure multilingual communication and outreach during extreme weather events (cold, heat, flooding, smoke/fire)   
    • Develop policies for employers to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat and wildfire smoke/poor air quality for people who work or live outside.
    • Establish guidance for safe, accessible, ADA-compliant, and inclusive use of alternative facilities
    • Identify ways to provide food access during supply chain disruptions and community disasters.
  • With the opening of their new facility, HRDC expanded the capacity of their warming centers.  
  • The Sustainability Division has a representative participating in the Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) meetings to connect with other organizations working on resiliency and preparedness.
  • The City of Bozeman has partnered with Gallatin County to implement an emergency notification system for City employees and facilities.  
  • With the City's first drought declaration in 2021, the Public Works Department engaged with businesses and residents to educate and communicate new drought restrictions and surcharges.