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In Progress

Invest in Landscaping and Irrigation Upgrades at City Facilities (6.O.1.)

Status Indicators: Complete | In Progress| Not Yet Started

The City of Bozeman will lead by example by investing in landscaping and irrigation upgrades at City parks and facilities. The City will update landscaping at City parks and facilities to be more drought tolerant, climate adaptive, and pollinator friendly, and update irrigation systems to include rain sensors, automatic controls, and high-efficiency equipment.

  • The Water Conservation Division participated in the design process for the new Fire Station 2 located on the MSU campusThe landscape design was created following a water budget based approach that is being proposed for adoption as part of the water efficient landscape ordinance scheduled to go to the City Commission for adoption in early 2024. 
  • The Water Conservation Division created a landscape and irrigation design for the boulevard at the Stiff Professional Building to demonstrate water efficient landscaping practices in street boulevards specifically, which are prone to excessive water waste resulting from overhead spray irrigation in these narrow areas. 
  • The Water Conservation Division completed three irrigation system audits at City facilities. 
  • Installation of the water efficient landscaping at Fire Station 2. 
  • The Public Works Department will complete the remaining ‘high priority’ city facility irrigation audits and begin planning to complete system efficiency upgrades. 
  • The Water Conservation Division created a landscape and irrigation design for the boulevard at the Stiff Professional Building to demonstrate water efficient landscaping practices in street boulevards specifically, which are prone to excessive water waste resulting from overhead spray irrigation in these narrow areas.