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In Progress

Evaluate Additional Water Conservation Code and Water Rate Structure Adjustments (6.O.3.)

Status Indicators: Complete | In Progress| Not Yet Started

In addition to programming and physical infrastructure, the City of Bozeman has influence over consumer behavior through regulatory and financial mechanisms. To maximize opportunities for water management and conservation, the City will evaluate additional water conservation code and water rate structure adjustments.

About the Data

Gallons Per Capita Per Day is the total amount of Bozeman's municipal water supply consumed throughout the year divided by the City of Bozeman's population.

  • The Water Conservation Division:
    • Is using input provided by the City Commission on proposed landscape and irrigation code changes to reduce outdoor water use in new development and limit daytime outdoor watering for all properties.
    • Effective June 2022, all properties are only permitted to irrigate landscapes three days per week, not between the houses of 10am and 8pm.
    • Completed public engagement efforts on draft landscape and irrigation performance and design standards for new development projects.
    • Completed a 20-year Water Conservation Plan that will not only evaluate additional incentive and education-based measures but also review code and water rate structure adjustments. This includes landscape and irrigation code changes, water budget-based rates, irrigation submetering and associated rates, and tiered rates for various customer classes
  • The Water Conservation Division will bring landscape and irrigation performance and design standards for new development projects to the City Commission for adoption in early 2024.  
  • The Water Conservation Division will participate in a rate study to identify opportunities to improve its water conservation based rate structure, and drought rate structure.