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In Progress

Build on the Success of Water Conservation Education and Incentives (6.O.2.)

Status Indicators: Complete | In Progress| Not Yet Started

The City of Bozeman’s Water Conservation program is well-established and offers education, water-wise and drought management resources, free sprinkler assessments, rebates/incentives for commercial and residential indoor and outdoor water conservation, and a free online water use portal for tracking home water use. The City will build on this success and expand programming to further educate the community and conserve our limited water resources.

About the Data

Gallons Per Capita Per Day is total amount of the municipal water supply consumed throughout the year divided by the City of Bozeman's population. 

  • The Public Works Department completed the development of a 20-year Water Conservation Plan. The City Commission adopted the 2023 Water Conservation Plan, which outlines additional water conservation education and incentive programs for future implementation.    
  • With the City of Bozeman's first drought declaration in 2021, the Public Works Department engaged with businesses and residents to educate and communicate new drought restrictions and surcharges. 
  • The Water Conservation Division will continue offering a suite of 11 rebates, free water saving products, and numerous educational resources to residents in 2024.