Regenerative Greenspace, Food Systems & Natural Environment
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Protect Local Wetlands for Flood Resilience and Water Quality (6.P.1.)
Status Indicators: Complete |
In Progress|
Not Yet Started
The City of Bozeman will prioritize the protection, management, and restoration of wetlands. The City will enhance or construct wetlands to offset all losses and require that all wetland mitigation efforts are conducted within the impacted watershed.
- The Stormwater Division is:
- Working on a Stormwater Management Manual and Design Standards and continues to manage programs to detect and eliminate illicit discharges, inspect construction sites, and maintain post-construction features, as required by the MS4 Permit. As a co-benefit, these efforts also protect wetlands, maintain the designed flood resilience in the built environment, and mitigate impacts to water quality.
- Working on designs to install two treatment units that address stormwater quality in the Bozeman Creek watershed.
- The City, along with a working group of technical experts and regional partners, completed the Gallatin Valley Sensitive Lands Protection Plan. The plan developed a regional model that connects water, wildlife, agriculture, and cultural heritage along with recommendations on how to protect sensitive resources. The plan was accepted by the Bozeman City Commission and adopted by the Gallatin County Commission
- The City will install two stormwater treatment units to address stormwater quality in the Bozeman Creek watershed in 2025 and 2026.
- The City will complete the Stormwater Management Manual and Design Standards update.