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Require Home Energy Labeling at Time of Listing (1.A.5.)

Status Indicators: Complete | In Progress| Not Yet Started

Energy and water bills are significant household expenses, and yet prospective home buyers and renters are typically unable to factor this information into their decision-making. A home energy label provides information about a property's energy use and costs, plus recommendations for cost-effective energy-saving improvements. The City of Bozeman will explore a policy for Bozeman under which home sellers would provide home energy labels to real estate agents and potential buyers.

  • Under the current market, the Strategic Services Department is prioritizing a home electrification program over home energy labeling in an effort to more directly advance the goal of Net Zero Energy for new construction and increased efficiency for existing homes. The electrification program will help build contractor awareness and capacity for a future home energy labeling program.

    • The Strategic Services Department will review best practices and make a recommendation for the program timeline and required resources for partnership outreach and community engagement.