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Offer a Voluntary Pathway & Incentives for Above-Code Construction (1.B.5.)
Status Indicators: Complete |
In Progress|
Not Yet Started
Building codes are the minimum standard for what is legally allowed to be built, yet the practice of building “above-code” is relatively uncommon. The City will develop incentives for the development community to achieve above-code or stretch code construction.
- The City Commission adopted Ordinance 2104 to replace the PUD (Planned Unit Development) process with a new Planned Development Zone (PDZ) process. Sustainable and Resilient Building Design is one of four public benefits identified in the ordinance that can be used to participate in the PDZ process. The administrative manual was completed and adopted in 2023.
- The Department of Labor and Industry adopted the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code with amendments, representing a significant improvement in building energy efficiency. During the adoption process, the City of Bozeman submitted comments in support of adoption, including optional above-code Zero Energy and Solar Ready appendices.
- The Community Development and Strategic Services Departments will advocate for opportunities to incentivize and encourage Net Zero Energy new construction.
- The City will continue the revision process of the Unified Development Code (UDC). Sustainable building practices are identified as a priority for the project. Completion is targeted for 2025.
- A member of the Sustainability Division will be on the Legislative Core Team for the 2025 Legislative Session. Priorities include EV/solar ready building codes and energy efficient building codes.