Healthy, Adaptive & Efficient Buildings
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Increase Energy Efficiency at City Facilities (1.A.1.)
Status Indicators: Complete |
In Progress|
Not Yet Started
The City of Bozeman will implement efficiency improvements in all City facilities. To do this the City will conduct energy audits to identify where to prioritize efficiency improvements and replacement of outdated equipment. For new construction and major renovations, the City will adopt ambitious high-performance Net Zero Energy construction standards.
About the DataThis chart uses Energy Use Intensity (EUI) to compare the efficiency of three different representative City facilities. EUI is the energy used per square foot per year (kBtu/SF/year). Energy use is the total natural gas and electricity use in each building, represented as one-thousand British thermal units (kBtu). Since EUI is normalized for square footage, it provides an opportunity to compare the energy efficiency of buildings within City facilities and against national benchmarks by building type. In this case, monitoring EUI helped identify an increase in natural gas use after a 2020 building remodel in the Stiff Professional Building, which is currently under investigation.
- The City of Bozeman has pursued energy audits and energy efficiency upgrades on an ongoing basis throughout the organization.
- The City completed the construction of Bozeman Fire Station 2, located on Montana State University’s campus. The station is designed to optimize systems to maximize energy efficiency while including solar PV and EV charging readiness. Fire Station 2 Sustainability Case Study
The Bozeman Public Safety Center construction was completed in August 2022. The building was designed for energy and water efficiency including a high-performance exterior envelope, a 264kW PV array, transpired solar collectors, drought-tolerant landscaping, and more. The Bozeman Public Library remodel l incorporates efficiency and electrification strategies, including an induction cooking stove for community user groups.
- The Library, Public Safety Center, and Fire Station 2 projects all incorporated third-party building commissioning services to ensure the design and construction are optimized for energy efficiency. Performance testing is used to verify that the building envelope and mechanical systems operate as designed.
- In 2024, the City completed the following:
- Swim Center HVAC replacement, installation of a new boiler, and LED lighting upgrades.
- City Shops Complex roof insulation and roof replacement for three interconnected buildings.
- The City of Bozeman will continue to pursue energy efficiency and future grant opportunities including, but not limited to, the following projects:
- City Hall renovation with retro-commissioning.
- Lindley Center building envelope and insulation upgrades, LED upgrades, and potential HVAC replacement.
- Senior Center elevator replacement.