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Advocate for Adoption of State-Wide Net Zero Energy Code (1.B.2.)
Status Indicators: Complete |
In Progress|
Not Yet Started
While the City of Bozeman cannot require anything more or less stringent than the State of Montana adopted code, it can advocate for state-level codes and policies that increase building efficiency. The City will collaborate with other municipalities in the state to advocate for the adoption of a statewide voluntary Net Zero Energy stretch building code. Having a statewide stretch code provides consistency across communities and ensures builders can more easily navigate stretch code requirements.
- The Department of Labor and Industry adopted the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code with amendments, representing a significant improvement in building energy efficiency. During the adoption process, the City of Bozeman submitted comments in support of the new code and encouraged the State to adopt a set of Zero Energy Appendices and Solar Ready Appendices that could potentially be used by local building officials. The Department of Labor and Industry adopted these appendices under the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code on June 11, 2022.
- The Community Development and Strategic Services Department will advocate for opportunities within the City development code to incentivize and encourage Net Zero Energy new construction.