Healthy, Adaptive & Efficient Buildings
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The City will promote investment to improve the energy and water efficiency of existing buildings throughout the community over the 30-year planning horizon. Some efficiency improvements may be relatively simple, while others may require more costly investments and renovations. The City will lead by example with energy efficiency retrofits at City facilities. Additionally, the City will develop educational resources and incentives for residents and businesses.
A Net Zero Energy (NZE) building produces enough renewable energy to meet its own annual energy needs. The most efficient and cost-effective pathway to achieve NZE is through new construction; however, renovation projects can present NZE opportunities as well. The City will explore ways to incentivize NZE construction such as permit fee reductions, expediting permitting processes, utility programs and rebates, tax credits, and low-interest loans.
Building electrification is the concept of replacing gas- or propane- burning appliances with clean and efficient electric appliances. Powering buildings with electricity reduces greenhouse gas emissions and enables Net Zero Energy buildings when coupled with onsite renewable energy systems. Building electrification improves safety and health inside homes and businesses, and can save money, especially for all-electric new homes. Advancing efficient electric heat pump technologies in existing buildings and all-electric new construction will play a key role in reaching our Climate Plan goals.